MedInstitute - Nikolenko Clinic

Our clinic was established in 1988, offering treatments for a plethora of conditions in the heart of the Mediterranean.

More than 35 years of successful treatments.


  • Ozone is administered to the body via the Multi Pass method, which provides a greater amount of ozone to the body in a shorter period of time. This method saturates red blood cells with oxygen, allowing ozone to penetrate deeper into additional areas of the body.

  • Multi Pass Ozone treatment the benefits of which may include strengthening the immune system, viruses such as Influenza, Rotavirus, Herpes Viruses, Viral hepatitis, Lyme disease.


  • Ten-Pass Ozone therapy provides a high dose of oxygen to the body.

  • Improves energy production, blood circulation, immune system regulation, reduction of inflammation, and inactivation of infections and viruses.

  • Safe, unique, highly potent, and intensive type of ozone therapy that has widespread actions in the body tissues and is helping our body systems eliminate pathogens.
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What We Treat

Viral Infection

An acute or chronic infectious disease caused by a tiny microorganism – a virus. It consists of genetic material in the form of a DNA or RNA molecule, enclosed in a protein shell (capsid), and sometimes an additional shell formed by lipid cells.

Therapy for Diseases Caused by Microbes

Therapy for diseases caused by microbes can include several approaches depending on the type of microbe (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) and the nature of the disease.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Intense fatigue is a characteristic feature of chronic fatigue syndrome. Physical or mental activity often exacerbates symptoms. Besides significant fatigue, symptoms also include light sensitivity, headache, muscle and joint discomfort, concentration difficulties, mood swings, and depression.

Liver Diseases

Hepatotoxicity, often called liver toxicity, is an inflammation of the liver caused by a harmful substance. The treatment aims to control symptoms, repair damaged liver cells, and prevent further damage. Typical symptoms include jaundice of the skin and eye whites, abdominal pain, rash, fever, nausea, and loss of appetite.

Herpes Zoster

Herpes zoster, influenza viruses, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes V1 and V2 (genital viruses), human papillomavirus, hepatitis B and C viruses


Lyme Disease (Borreliosis)

An infectious disease caused by a bacterium named Borrelia, transmitted by ticks. Typical symptoms include headache, fever, fatigue, muscle aches, and a characteristic skin rash.

Autoimmune Diseases

Your immune system consists of organs and cells designed to protect your body from bacteria, parasites, viruses, and cancer cells. An autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body instead of protecting it. Common symptoms include fatigue, rapid or irregular pulse, weight gain or loss, chest pain, fever, anxiety, and depression.

Parkinson's Disease Treatment

Symptoms of Parkinson's disease include loss of smell, tremors, decreased balance and coordination, dizziness, general weakness, frequent headaches, muscle stiffness, speech difficulties, dementia.

Therapy After Injuries and Diseases

Restoring mobility in muscles and joints is achieved using innovative equipment and physiotherapeutic protocols, carried out by specialized staff. This is also part of preventive treatment methods for injuries and diseases requiring a comprehensive care approach that directly involves the patient.

Post-Stroke Patient Therapy

Therapy for post-stroke patients is a complex process aimed at restoring lost functions, minimizing brain damage effects, and preventing recurrent strokes.

Supportive Treatment for Cancer Patients

During chemotherapy and radiation therapy, healthy body tissues are also exposed along with cancer cells. This leads to undesirable side effects such as hair loss, nausea, vomiting, bleeding, and many others. Our clinic employs methods aimed at reducing the side effects of these treatments.

Diabetic Gangrene (Diabetic Foot)

One of the most typical consequences of prolonged diabetes is diabetic angiopathy. As a result, various organs do not receive enough blood and oxygen, which can ultimately cause damage to the cells lining the arteries. Common symptoms include vision disorders, speech disorders, muscle weakness or paralysis, confusion, delirium, and changes in sensations.

Heavy Metal Poisoning

Among the most common heavy metals causing acute and/or chronic conditions are lead, arsenic, mercury, copper, and aluminum. The most common symptoms include headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, deep fatigue, difficult breathing, abdominal pain, and seizures.

Treatment of Diseases Caused by Helminths

Treatment of diseases caused by helminths (worms) depends on the type of parasite and the degree of infestation. It is important to accurately identify the infectious agent to prescribe effective therapy.

Necrosis of the Patella

Osteonecrosis of the knee joint (also called avascular or aseptic necrosis) is a condition that occurs when blood supply to a section of bone tissue in the femur or tibia is disrupted.

Alzheimer's Disease

The most common type of dementia, a condition in which the brain stops functioning properly. Alzheimer's disease causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior.


The science that studies the processes of aging and the problems of elderly people. It covers several aspects: biological, medical, psychological, social, and economic, aimed at understanding how aging affects individuals and society as a whole.


An inflammation of the venous wall with the formation of blood clots of various densities, blocking the vein's lumen and leading to partial or complete blockage of blood vessels.



Bacterial meningitis (meningoencephalitis) is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord, which can be caused by different pathogens. The leading role in the occurrence of these diseases is attributed to three pathogens – meningococci, pneumococci, and Haemophilus influenzae.

Weight Loss

Ozone stimulates blood circulation, vessels expand, consequently, metabolism in the fatty tissue improves; ozone-oxygen mixture contributes to the dissolution of connective tissue strands forming a fibrous network – the manifestations of cellulite disappear!


The only German manufacturer
with approval according
to MDR 2017/ 745.

The only German manufacturer with approval according to MDR 2017/ 745. 

What Is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon cleansing is an alternative and safe method to get rid of many of our symptoms which is proven to deliver a host of health benefits. Its not only for people with constipation but for anyone who wishes to feel better and cleanse their body. It’s a great way to take care of your health and well being with regular treatments. Colonic hydrotherapy is the ultimate detox for your body which promise to flush your body from toxins and parasites. 

Curing Herpes Zoster


Short video that describes the successful cure of our patient who suffered with Herpes Zoster viral infection.

curing herpes zoster
Play Video about curing herpes zoster



"...Dear Dr. Yuri, thank you so much for all that you and the clinic have done for me. It has been an amazing opportunity for healing...I'm vastly improved from the girl who could not walk, talk, and stand up when I arrived! It is amazing to be able to hold conversations and interact with people again for the first time in many years...I am going to miss everyone so much!..." 


April, 2019

Petar Bošković
Petar Bošković
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Dr. Yuri Nikolenko did a great job with my first ever health exam. He explained everything to me in a very clear manner. I did Ozonotherapy and from the first time i felt significan relief from the pain and same time I had energy and i left in a better mood.! He was also kind and friendly. All of the staff was great – they were very helpful ,friendly and smiling! I highly recommend Doctor and his services!
John Doe
John Doe
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Good service. Kind and friendly staff. Me and my mum we are so pleased with them. Thanks you for looking after my dad in there.
Ioylia Gregoriou
Ioylia Gregoriou
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Fortunately I live in Cyprus and have access to this wonderful clinic and the fantastic Dr Yuri. I completed a full personalised programme for Lyme Disease using all the modern facilities the clinic has to offer. The clinic is exceptionally clean and the nurses are brilliant at their job.....Dr Yuris door is always open to reassure and assist in anyway he can, nothing is too much trouble....its a real benefit knowing there is always a medical doctor present in case of any complications. I would like to thank all the staff and especially Dr Yuri for his continuous help and support through out my journey....with his help I have managed to get my life back and eliminate a lot of the symptoms and suffering associated with lyme. He is such a kind, caring, compassionate doctor...I feel truly blessed to know him.

Medical Doctors




Dr-Nikoletta Nikolenko







Prof Antonis Polidorou







      📍 13-15, Digeni Akrita,  Nicosia, 1055,  Cyprus 
      🕑  Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri  8:30AM – 7PM
            Thu, Sat: 8:30AM-1PM  Sun: Closed

      ☏ +357 22755940

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Treatment Packages at Medinstitute Nikolenko Clinic

Package 1: Tired Legs Treatment
This comprehensive treatment plan is meticulously designed to target symptoms of venous insufficiency, lower limb swelling, and muscle fatigue. It integrates evidence-based medical interventions aimed at improving vascular health, reducing edema, and alleviating discomfort associated with prolonged standing or circulatory issues. The package includes:

  • Leg Massage (20 minutes, 8 sessions): A therapeutic massage aimed at enhancing venous return and lymphatic drainage, reducing localized edema, and alleviating muscle tension.
  • Ozone Therapy (8 sessions): Administers medical-grade ozone to the tissues, promoting oxygenation and reducing inflammatory markers, thereby improving microcirculation in the lower extremities.
  • Ozon Bags (8 sessions): A targeted ozone application technique that aids in the detoxification of tissues, decreases oxidative stress, and supports vascular function to reduce chronic fatigue in the legs.
  • Comprehensive visit and examination by a specialist physician, including detailed evaluation of venous and arterial circulation using Doppler ultrasound, if necessary.

Package price: €640

Package 2: Small Detox
This medically supervised detoxification package is aimed at individuals requiring rapid and targeted body detoxification, especially following infectious diseases, viral syndromes, foodborne illnesses, or post-COVID-19 recovery. The included medical therapies focus on enhancing the body’s natural detoxification pathways and boosting immune resilience. The package includes:

  • Icoone (3 sessions): A mechanized lymphatic drainage technique that improves microcirculation, reduces fluid retention, and facilitates the elimination of metabolic waste products.
  • Colon Hydrotherapy (3 sessions): A gentle, medical-grade colonic irrigation process aimed at detoxifying the gastrointestinal system, improving gut flora, and restoring digestive function by removing toxins, pathogens, and waste.
  • TEN Pass (3 sessions): An advanced form of extracorporeal ozone therapy designed to hyperoxygenate the blood, enhancing immune response, reducing systemic inflammation, and aiding recovery from infections.
  • Comprehensive blood tests post-treatment to objectively measure changes in inflammation markers, immune function, and overall health status.
  • Consultation and examination by a specialist physician, including a review of patient history, current health status, and lab results.

Package price: €1,140

Package 3: Medium Detox
The Medium Detox package is an advanced, medically-driven detox program tailored for patients suffering from chronic infections, severe toxic exposure, chronic fatigue syndrome, or post-viral syndromes, such as long COVID. The treatment protocol is built around scientifically validated detoxification methods and immune modulation. The package includes:

  • Icoone (5 sessions): A non-invasive lymphatic drainage treatment that enhances the removal of cellular waste products and toxins, while promoting circulation to support the immune system and tissue recovery.
  • Colon Hydrotherapy (3 sessions): A medical procedure to cleanse the colon, reduce bacterial overgrowth, and promote intestinal health, crucial for patients with compromised digestive function post-illness.
  • TEN Pass (3 sessions): High-dose ozone therapy that delivers concentrated oxygen to the bloodstream, known to enhance the body’s ability to fight chronic infections, reduce oxidative stress, and improve energy levels.
  • Ozone Therapy (8 sessions): Administers therapeutic ozone to stimulate antioxidant enzyme production and support recovery by improving tissue oxygenation.
  • Ozone Sauna (5 sessions): A hyperthermic ozone treatment that combines the benefits of heat therapy with the systemic effects of ozone, promoting detoxification through sweat and enhancing immune response.
  • Visit and comprehensive examination by a specialist physician, including pre- and post-treatment health assessments and lab tests to monitor inflammatory markers and immune function.

Package price: €1,925

Только при наличии перечисленных условий - можно браться за лечение серьезных болезней!

Для того , что бы побеждать болезни такие , как тяжелые формы герпеса Остер ( с поражением головного и спинного мозга , с поражением глазных нервов , крупных нервов с сильным болевым синдромом где от обезболивающих средств нет эффекта ). Болезни Лайма ( борелиоза , бабезиоса , бартонелиоза …) Тяжелейших поражений печени …. Лечение синдрома хронической усталости , постковидного синдрома и других вирусных и поствирусных болезней … Лечение тяжелейших гангрен + диабетических ног , тяжелейших гайморитов , пневмоний , различных бронхитов …. Для лечения интоксикации связанной с попаданием в организм солей тяжелых металлов , глистных токсин , пищевых и прочих токсикоифекций … Любых автоиммунных процессов , острых и хронических аллергий …. Тяжелых постинсультных состояний , болезни Паркинсона , тяжелых последствий посттравматического синдрома …. Для омоложения организма . Для эффективного лечения нужно хорошее оборудование : большой комплексный внутривенный озоновый отдел ( тен пассы — внутривенные , подкожные , внутрисуставные , накожные озоновые аппараты , лазерная внутривенная и накожная терапия , магнитная терапия ( стимуляция мозга и всего организма ) , озоновые сауны , водородные ингаляции , водородные ванны , гидроколонотерапии — самые последние модели …. Большой полностью укомплектованный рехаб , большое полностью укомплектованное физиотерапевтическое отделение . Большое полностью укомплектованное дерматологическое отделение . Новейший лимфодренаж «айкун» — без очищения лимфы нельзя даже мечтать о полном излечении от различных инфекций И еще множество других различных видов необходимого , для достижения хороших результатов , оборудования … +Нужна серьезная команда докторов , которая у нас есть . Все специальности для продуктивного лечения : специалист терапевт , специалист педиатр ( нас консультирует по лечении тяжелых состояний у детей , дерматолог — направляет наше лечение по различным дерматологическим заболеваниям , доктор наук реабилитолог — делает нам проэкты по восстановлению больных после после травм и болезней … +Наш хорошо обученный медицинский и специальный персонал — они просто молодцы … Так же у нас сильная линейка опытных консультантов в том числе и мировыми именами : Антонис Полидору — суперспециалист по инвазионным видам лечения , а также весь состав европейской медицинской ассоциации членами которой мы являемся … Медицинские лаборатории Кипра — которые делают для пациентов серьезные исследования. — у нас все результаты подтверждаются лабораторными исследованиями. Только при такой организации работы возможно лечить серьезные заболевания . Также мы проводим обучения врачей — специалистов — более 40 из них уже работают в разных странах .

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